Jeffrey Alahira

BY JOSEPH OKPAIRE image source: sitn.hms.harvard.edu So, sometime last week, a client contacted us. The conversation was like this: Caller X: Hello Senceagric Happy Farmer: Hi, good afternoon Mr. X Caller X: There is a big problem with my birds? Hmmm…this man have started experimenting things again… Ehn Ehn, back to the conservation, Happy farmer: […]


image source: sitn.hms.harvard.edu

So, sometime last week, a client contacted us. The conversation was like this:

Caller X: Hello Senceagric

Happy Farmer: Hi, good afternoon Mr. X

Caller X: There is a big problem with my birds?

Hmmm…this man have started experimenting things again…

Ehn Ehn, back to the conservation,

Happy farmer: What did you do?

Caller: I was injecting my birds against Infectious Coryza, the instruction on the bottle says inject 0.5ml subcutaneously and I lifted the breast area of the birds and injected the birds, so far, I have lost 15 birds while injecting. They were just dancing shaku shaku and next thing they die.

Happy farmer: Jesus! Why didn’t you call us before embarking on this operation?

image source: lifelinefeeds.com

Brethren, this is one of the many problems we have observed with livestock farmers. When you want to embark on vaccination operation, a lot of factor must come into play. To cut the long story short, my friend was actually stabbing the birds instead of injecting them.

See ehn, some mistakes are not forgivable because they can be avoided. Vaccination failures occurs when the stockman disobeys the basic rules of vaccination procedures. Except you have learned the ropes very well over time, please do not try it yourself.  If you know you can’t carry out a certain operation effectively, please and please consult a trained specialist.

Let’s take about what causes vaccination failure i.e. why do vaccines fail despite administering them.

Vaccine administration can fail due to so many reasons, some of these reasons are:

  1. Ineffective cold chain storage
  2. Poor Vaccination technique
  3. Administering vaccines to a sick flock.

In poultry health management, vaccination schedules depend on the problems at every production site. That is to say, vaccination guide differs from farm to farm. For example, in areas where Infectious Bursal Disease (gumboro) has constant occurrence, a typical vaccination schedule will have gumboro vaccine at regular intervals. The aim of vaccination schedule for laying birds is;

  1. Protect the young chicks as early as possible from diseases.
  2. Build a strong immune system throughout the laying phase.

This is a specific vaccination program for any laying bird. The program varies depending on the endemic diseases prevalent at a particular production site, farm or area.


Vaccines comes in “activated” and “inactivated” forms. Both forms of vaccines should be used in the proper way and timing in order to achieve the goal of providing immunity for the birds.

  • Activated vaccines are also called live vaccines which contains the virus of a disease but the concentration of the virus is in mild quantity.
  • Inactivated Vaccines also called dead vaccines contains the virus but the vaccine has been killed, i.e. the virus is dead.

Vaccination failure can be as a result of many interrelated factors such as

  1. Expired vaccines
  2. Faulty cold chain storage
  3. Inappropriate administration method
  4. Faulty storage systems for both live and inactivated vaccines
  5. Inappropriate handling of vaccines and the birds.

Consult us for a customized vaccination schedule for your flock.

Email: info@senceworld.com

Phone No:08028748750

Jeffrey Alahira