Written by Nisha Miller for FamilyLivingToday.com
No matter how small the space is that you have to call your own, you need to make the most of it. Here are some tips to help you do that.

Image Source: www.camerdesign.com
Outdoor spaces like lawns, porches, and balconies are often the first things a guest sees when they get to your home. It’s also the first thing you see when you get home, which is why keeping up with its maintenance is so important. Making sure that your outdoor space looks good will help you to be happier about coming home and having people come over.
If you have a lawn, you’ll need to take care of it no matter how big it is. The best way to do this is to buy a lawnmower and make it a regular chore for yourself. You can also choose to plant a garden in however small a space you have, whether it’s in window boxes or in the yard itself. If this isn’t a possibility, you can always bring your plants indoors.

Image source: www.portlandmonthly.com
Even if you don’t have a lot of space outside, you can still bring herbs and flowers into your home to brighten it up and help to make it more beautiful. You can do this by building a terrarium with succulents or by building a living wall in part of your home with hanging plants or air plants. It’s up to you how to bring your plants indoors.
For example, if you are an avid cook, you might want to bring some of your most-used herbs into your kitchen in a small planter so that you always have fresh herbs for your dinner.
Bringing plants into your home can also help to clear the air in your home. Plants take in carbon dioxide and turn it into pure oxygen, which helps you to be able to take in more oxygen within your home. Some plants do better jobs at this than others, but as long as you can take care of them, any plant will help you. Just make sure that no one else in your household is allergic to them and they are not toxic to your pets.
If you’re having trouble finding your own design aesthetic, you’re in luck. The digital age makes it significantly easier than it used to be to find design ideas. Planters are also a great way to bring color and decoration into your home.
You should use a color three times to make it feel like it’s intentional in the room, but there are no rules about what color you should use. Pick ones that bring you joy and blend well with any other colors you have in the room, and your home will be even more beautiful.

Image Source: www.mypropertyboutique.com
Natural light is one of the best things for your mental health and for any plants you may have. Opening the curtains or having sheer ones will allow you to reduce your use of electricity and help you to absorb the sunlight even within your own house. Make sure to put your plants in the right amount of light for their optimal growth and you’ll have a much easier time keeping them alive.
Still, Need Help Getting Started?
Get our Home Garden Starter pack, complete with seeds, compost, and DIY manual to help you on your way. For advice and support join our Exclusive Home Garden Club or Contact Us to help you get started. Whatever option works for you, get the results you need to embrace the home gardening culture.
At HOME GARDEN CLUB we will provide you best practical gardening guide to help improve your gardening skills, thereby increasing the availability of nutritious foods in your home, strengthening community ties, reducing environmental hazards, reducing food miles and creating a more sustainable system.