
6 Interesting Yam Varieties

6 Interesting Yam Varieties

Yam farming business is a profitable agribusiness venture which you can start on a medium to large scale. Nigeria is a major producer and consumer of yams, yet we have not sustained production to support exports on a large scale.

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Agricultural Cooperatives

How does Agriculture Cooperatives Work? The working of the agriculture cooperative is simply providing a reward for the efforts put into agricultural practice through the pulling together of resources by members who have mutual/common interests. But before we delve...

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Irrigation; 2 things to know about Irrigation

Introduction to Irrigation The term irrigation is not a new term. In fact, everybody who has engaged in agriculture in one way or another has been involved in it in one way or another. Despite the fairly fancy name, the idea being irrigation is fairly simple and...

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2 Main Agricultural Drainage Systems

Introduction Agricultural drainage systems are systems that are used to drain water from the soil to improve production. During rain or irrigation, the soil becomes filled with moisture. This makes the soil wet and better equipped for the growth of crops. However, on...

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Written by Alahira Jeffrey Introduction To Land Evaluation Land evaluation and testing are some of the ways we use to make decisions as to how to properly use the land resources at our disposal. During the last few decades, there has been an increase in the...

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Agricultural Extension

Agricultural extension is the application of scientific research and new knowledge to agricultural practices through farmer education. The field of 'extension' now encompasses a wider range of communication and learning activities organized for rural people by...

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